Highlighted Speakers

Author Article Title Affiliation
international conference on social sciences Prof. Aref Abu Rabia Scents and Taste of Food in the Middle East Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
international conference on social sciences Prof. Andrej Demuth Semantic Differential of the Concept of Beauty Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
international conference on social sciences Dr. Yaron Katz The impact of undecided voters in Israeli elections Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
international conference on social sciences Dr. Aslı Ermiş-Mert Gender and Happiness in Academia: The Effect of the Pandemic in Turkey Koç University, Turkey
international conference on social sciences Dr. Slavka Demuthova The Ability to Detect the Characteristics of the Dark Triad from Facial Composites of the Opposite Sex University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia
international conference on social sciences Mr. Shakib Zarbi The Street and The Demand for Freedom and Equality in Iran’s August 2022 Movement Selcuk, Turkey
international conference on social sciences Mrs. Erjola Xhuvani Implementing the Stabilization and Association Agreement: The process of approximation of Albanian legislation with that of European Union Wisdom College University, Albania
international conference on social sciences Ms. Magdalena Krysiak Criminal Law Protection of Human Dignity in The Context of the Right to A Dignified Dying in The Time of Pandemic Restrictions University of Łódź, Poland
international conference on social sciences Ms. Upasha Kumari Exploring The Role of NGOS in Addressing Gender-Based Violence Against Women State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi, India
Abuhayat Jafarova Ms. Abuhayat Jafarova The Evolution of Image of Azerbaijani Feminists Movement Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijani Republic, Azerbaijan
Donna Mae V. Alejo Ms. Donna Mae Alejo Catching catfishes: Experiences of those who loved catfish Kidapawan Doctors College, Incorporated, Philippines

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